Hello my sweet readers👀

Today I am presenting you a flipped classroom material. So, what is flipped classroom?

By assigning students to watch films and other pre-assigned materials to acquire core topics outside of class, the flipped classroom approach flips the typical teaching style. Following that, interactive and group projects take place throughout class time, giving students the chance to apply and solidify what they have learned. This approach encourages flexibility, critical thinking skill development, enhanced teacher-student contact, personalized pace, and active learning.

In this regard, me and my pair Rezzan Özak, created a video to teach young learners the vocabulary in the Animals unit. Before creating the video, we reviewed the unit and created our route. Then we discussed what kind of tools we could use for this creation. We reviewed the features, advantages, and disadvantages of these tools. Then, we created our design by dividing it. We created the animations, template, background, and music with the help of Animaker Then we recorded our voices using the Voice Recorder application. We also used both Google Sounds to use animal sounds and used the Super Sound application for the combination. We also prepared our activities from the WordWall application so that students can practice later.You can access the exercises from the link below our video. Although we had some technical problems while integrating all of them and said, "Off enough, I won't do it anymore". Fortunately, we got it done and we think we put together a very nice job in the end. I hope you like it too. Your comments and feedback are very valuable for us.

Take care of yourself with lots of love <3


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